I use the wireless mighty for the sole reason of it being good-looking, but it's definitively form over function.
Apple has never, ever made a good mouse, though... It's the one thing they can't do well... The puck, anyone?!
Though - come to think about it - if have a middle-class computer, Intel (with the future posibility for viruses) - aren't we then moving towards Hell... err... Dell.. Sorry... ;)
I've got to say - the iPod nano is probably the sexiest (my girlfriend doesn't think I should call iPods sexy, for some reason...) iPod yet. Especially the black one.
But 4GB is just not enough!
Why Apple Would Be Crazy to Introduce a Sub-Notebook
Mighty Mouse Must Die!
Why Apple Will Never Make A Game Console
$.01 iPod nano cover
Does the Mac Need a New Model?
Does the Mac Need a New Model?
What Are Your Thoughts New iPod