Oh, and Scott _ R: There is an article at http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050422172929402 about how you can detach widgets from the Dashboard. It's really easy once you know how.
I think the iLife suite will be more integrated within the OS.
iPhoto and iTunes for example. Why have them as separate applications when you could have a function in the finder, say like the tabs which appeared in OS 8, appear with the iPhoto functionality? Just speculating...
You're like a Newbie! Hahaha 7.5! Quark? What about InDesign? Oh god. What hole have you lived in?
7.5 was so yuck. I feel sorry for your G3 (How does the ROM allow you to boot into 7.5 by the by?)
The only thing I am worried about is the idea that developers will not bother to port their software to OSX anymore. If VPC runs fast enough, why would, say, Adobe or Macromedia make new versions available for the OS X platform?
I must say I am quite skeptical though. I have seen a Windows box running VPC on it and it wasn't any quicker than my G5 iMac.
Anticipating Leopard
Anticipating Leopard
Mac OS 7.5: Better than Tiger Will Ever Be
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